Sacramento River

The Sacramento River region includes the entire drainage of the Sacramento River and its tributaries, spanning from Chipps Island in Solano County northward to Goose Lake in Modoc County. The state’s two largest water systems, the Central Valley Project and the State Water Project, originate here. Agriculture is the main driver, with over 1.5 million acres irrigated on the valley floor. Top grossing crops include rice, walnuts, almonds, and tomatoes.

CVFPP Conservation Strategy Appendix B. Advance Mitigation

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | July 14th, 2016


Section 7.0 of the Conservation Strategy presents methods for coordinating the acquisition of permits for implementation of the Central Valley Flood Protection Plan (CVFP

CVFPP Conservation Strategy Appendix C. Description of Construction Activities for Structural Modifications

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | July 14th, 2016


This appendix [to the CVFPP Conservation Strategy] provides a general description of construction activities, focused on levee construction. It is based on the Program En

CVFPP Conservation Strategy Appendix D. Vegetation Management Strategy

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | August 17th, 2017


When the 2012 Central Valley Flood Protection Plan (2012 CVFPP) and Conservation Framework were adopted by the Central Valley Flood Protection Board (CVFPB), the CVFPB co

CVFPP Conservation Strategy Appendix E. Invasive Plant Management Plan

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | July 14th, 2016


The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) developed this Invasive Plant Management Plan (or Plan) as part of the Conservation Strategy of the Central Valley Floo

CVFPP Conservation Strategy Appendix F. Existing Conditions

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | July 14th, 2016


This appendix describes the existing conditions for the targets of the Central Valley Flood Protection Plan (CVFPP) Conservation Strategy (Conservation Strategy). It desc

CVFPP Conservation Strategy Appendix G. Identification of Target Species and Focused Conservation Plans

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | July 14th, 2016


 The purpose of the Conservation Strategy of the Central Valley Flood Protection Plan (CVFPP) is to provide direction for the California Department of Water Resources’

CVFPP Conservation Strategy Appendix H. Central Valley Chinook Salmon Rearing Habitat Required to Satisfy the Anadromous Fish Restoration Program Doubling Goal

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | July 14th, 2016


NewFields and Cramer Fish Sciences, in collaboration with the California Department of Water Resources FloodSAFE Environmental Stewardship and Statewide Resources

CVFPP Conservation Strategy Appendix I. Floodplain Restoration Opportunity Analysis

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | July 14th, 2016


As part of the Conservation Strategy for the 2017 Central Valley Flood Protection Plan (CVFPP), a continuation of the Floodplain Restoration Opportunity Analysis (FROA) (

CVFPP Conservation Strategy Appendix J. Existing Conservation Objectives from Other Plans

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | July 14th, 2016


The Conservation Strategy, in conjunction with the Central Valley Flood Protection Plan (CVFPP), geographically overlaps with multiple regional and collaborative conserva

CVPIA 10 Years of Progress

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) | June 27th, 2015


In 1992, Congress passed the Central Valley Project Improvement Act (Act, or CVPIA), which amended previous authorizations of the California Central Valley Project (CVP)

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