A Delta Renewed: A Guide to Science-Based Ecological Restoration in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) | November 1st, 2016


A Delta Renewed and the larger Delta Landscapes project are part of an ongoing effort to address these critically important challenges. They provide guidance for restora

A Menu of Fire Response Water Quality Monitoring Options and Recommendations for Water Year 2019 and Beyond

San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) | July 2nd, 2018


In October 2017, the Tubbs Fire and the Nuns Fire burned 93,400 acres of the Mark West Creek and Santa Rosa Creek watersheds, killing 22 people, and incinerating approxim

A Rapid Assessment Method to Identify Potential Groundwater Flooding Hotspots as Sea Levels Rise in Coastal Cities

Water, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) | October 25th, 2019


Sea level rise (SLR) will cause shallow unconfined coastal aquifers to rise. Rising groundwater can emerge as surface flooding and impact buried infrastructure, soil beh

A Toolkit for Stormwater Asset Management and Funding

California State University, Sacramento (Sacramento State) | March 1st, 2019


Communities throughout the United States are making investments in managing stormwater. As stormwater management becomes a higher national priority, municipalities are ma

Advances in Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction Relevant to Water Management in the Western United States

American Meteorological Society (AMS) | July 21st, 2022


Water management in the semi-arid western United States (U.S.) is a challenging endeavor that evolves from year to year based on large-scale atmospheric and oceanic condi

Advancing Stormwater Capture for Greener Schools in Los Angeles

Pacific Institute | August 15th, 2024


In communities across the United States, schools provide an enriching and safe environment for children to learn and grow. Yet urban schools, particularly those serving

Agricultural managed aquifer recharge (Ag-MAR)—a method for sustainable groundwater management: A review

Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology (Taylor & Francis) | March 28th, 2022


More than two billion people and 40% of global agricultural production depend upon unsustainable groundwater extraction. Managed aquifer recharge (MAR), the practice of s

Assessing the effectiveness of drywells as tools for stormwater management and aquifer recharge and their groundwater contamination potential

Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier) | May 24th, 2016


Drywells are gravity-fed, excavated pits with perforated casings used to facilitate stormwater infiltration and groundwater recharge in areas where drainage and diversion

Atmospheric rivers impact California's coastal water quality via extreme precipitation

Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier) | June 25th, 2019


Precipitation in California is projected to become more volatile: less frequent but more extreme as global warming pushes midlatitude frontal cyclones further poleward wh

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