Bay Delta Plan Phase 2 Workshop Summary Report

California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) | January 1st, 2013


The California State Water Resources Control Board (Board) is tasked with updating the 2006 Water Quality Control Plan for the Bay-Delta Estuary (Bay-Delta Plan). The Boa

Bay Delta Water Quality Control Plan (Bay Delta Plan)

California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) | December 13th, 2006


"Bay Delta Plan" is short for the State Water Resources Control Board's (State Water Board) San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary Water Quality Control P

Beneath the Surface: Why Reservoirs Won't Solve California's Water Woes

Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) | November 19th, 2024


Water storage and conveyance have fundamentally shaped modern California. The vast agricultural industry, as well as globally important cities like Los Angeles, were made

California Environmental Flows Framework

California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) | March 31st, 2021


Multiple local, regional, and State agencies share responsibility for managing environmental flows, defined as the water required to protect the ecological health of Cali

California’s freshwater fishes: status and management

University of California, Davis (UC Davis) | January 31st, 2015


Fishes in Mediterranean climates are adapted to thrive in streams with dynamic environmental conditions such as strong seasonality in flows. However, anthropoge

California’s Stream Flow Monitoring System Is Essential for Water Decision Making

University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) | April 1st, 2018


With California’s drought risk, flood risk, and demand for water all increasing, effective monitoring is more important than ever to water decision making. Str

Carriage Water

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | September 26th, 2001


Carriage water is defined as marginal export costs, that is, the extra water needed to carry a unit of water across the Delta to the pumping plants while maintaining a co

Comments of San Francisco Baykeeper et al re: Draft Staff Report on Sacramento/Delta Updates

San Francisco Baykeeper | January 19th, 2024


In the face of a growing and severe ecological crisis, the Board has spent the better part of two decades crafting updates to the Bay-Delta Plan to reasonably protect fi

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