Evapotranspiration Water Use Analysis of Saltcedar and Other Vegetation in the Mojave River Floodplain, 2007 and 2010

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) | August 15th, 2011


The Mojave Water Agency Water Supply Management Study, Phase 1 Report (Study) was developed to provide technical information on vegetation water usage in the Mojave River

Fish & Wildlife Groundwater Planning Considerations

California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) | June 6th, 2019


In 2014, California passed the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) (AB1739, SB 1168, SB 1319), authorizing local groundwater sustainability agencies (GSAs) to d

Fish & Wildlife Groundwater Planning Considerations: Freshwater Wetlands

California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) | June 6th, 2019


 In 2014, California passed the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) (AB1739, SB 1168, SB 1319), authorizing local groundwater sustainability agencies to develo

Groundwater and Stream Interaction in California's Central Valley: Insights for Sustainable Groundwater Management

Nature Conservancy | June 16th, 2016


Sustainable water management requires ensuring ecosystem water needs are met in balance with water needs for people. The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is working across Califo

Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act

Nature Conservancy | February 1st, 2018


The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) of 2014 is landmark legislation in California that empowers local agencies, known as groundwater sustainability agencies

Groundwater Dynamics in the Colorado River Limitrophe

Pacific Institute | May 23rd, 2013


The Colorado River, diverted and channelized and intensively managed, only rarely has enough water to flow even 20 miles past Morelos Dam, the last dam on the river, near

Humboldt County | Near-Stream Recharge: Reconnecting Surface and Groundwater

Nature Conservancy | January 1st, 2019


Baker Creek, a tributary to the Mattole River, is a key stream for the federally and state protected coho salmon, however portions of the river were running dry

Hydrogeology of Lower Amargosa Valley and Groundwater Discharge to the Amargosa Wild and Scenic River, Inyo and San Bernardino Counties, California, and Adjacent Areas in Nye and Clark Counties, Nevada

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | February 7th, 2019


In 2009, Congress designated certain reaches of the Amargosa River in Inyo County, California between the town of Shoshone and Dumont Dunes as a Wild and Scenic River. As

Inyo County: Monitoring Groundwater Dependent Vegetation to Inform Groundwater Management

Nature Conservancy | August 1st, 1989


Inyo County and the City of Los Angeles have shown innovative and progressive leadership in the protection of groundwater dependent ecosystems in Owens Valley,

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