Document Details

Mark/Recapture Experiments at Clifton Court Forebay to Estimate Pre-Screening Loss to Juvenile Fishes: 1976-1993

Marty Gingras | September 30th, 1997

From October 1976 through November 1993, the California Department of Fish and Game conducted mark/recapture experiments at Clifton Court Forebay, designed to estimate pre-screen loss to entrained juvenile fishes. Ten studies were conducted; eight evaluated losses to hatchery-reared juvenile chinook salmon, and two evaluated losses to hatchery-reared juvenile striped bass. Pre-screen loss was calculated from the proportion of marked fish released at the radial gates that were subsequently recaptured during salvage operations at Skinner Fish Facility. The proportion was adjusted for handling mortality, fish facility louver effiCiency, and any subsampling at the facility. Studies were conducted across a wide range of environmental conditions and State Water Project operations, with a wide range in the size ofexperimental fish. Pre-screen loss estimates for juvenile chinook salmon were 63-99%. Potential biases in estimates of pre-screen loss may be due to (1) the calculation for pre-screen loss, (2) underrepresentative and over-representative salvage of experimental fish at Skinner Fish Facility, and (3) the introduction of experimental fish directly into Clifton Court Forebay. A multiple-regression analysis of pre-screen loss to juvenile salmon showed that 91% of the variance in pre-screen loss can be explained by export rate, experimental fish size, and water temperature. 


anadromous fish, ecosystem management, endangered species, fisheries, modeling, native fish, Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, State Water Project (SWP), water project operations, water quality