Document Details

Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Basin Groundwater Sustainability Plan

Stetson Engineers, Inc. | January 14th, 2020

Currently, the groundwater resources in the Indian Wells Valley Groundwater Basin (IWVGB or Basin) are not being sustainably managed. Overdraft conditions have existed for decades as a result of groundwater pumping that exceeds the natural Basin yield (Dutcher and Moyle, 1973). The results of overdraft have manifested themselves through various undesirable results, primarily the chronic lowering of groundwater levels, the degradation of water quality, and the reduction of groundwater in storage throughout the IWVGB. (See Section 3 for a discussion of overdraft conditions in the Basin.)

In compliance with the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), as set forth in California Water Code (CWC) Section 10720.1, this Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) discusses Basin management strategies that will culminate in the absence of undesirable and unsustainable groundwater conditions in the IWVGB. The GSP recommends management actions and projects, and provides measurable sustainability objectives and milestones that are intended to achieve Basin sustainability while considering the unique geologic and hydrogeologic conditions of the IWVGB. The recommendations of this GSP will provide for long-term sustainable groundwater management in the IWVGB within 20 years of GSP implementation.

Due to size, this file has been divided. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7


Groundwater Exchange, groundwater pumping impacts, Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP), Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA)