Responsible Exports Plan

Environmental Water Caucus | May 29th, 2013


The consensus diagnosis for the Delta estuary is dire. The California Environmental Water Caucus prescribes more river flows and reduced fresh water exports to help the D

Restoring Habitat with Science and Society in Mind

Delta Stewardship Council (Delta Council) | April 8th, 2014


This Issue Paper, authored by Jessica Davenport, the Council's Program Manager for Ecosystem Restoration and Land Use, is entitled Restoring Habitat with Science and Soci

Review of and recommendations for monitoring contaminants and their effects in the San Francisco Bay−Delta

University of California, Davis (UC Davis) | December 3rd, 2019


Legacy and current-use contaminants enter into and accumulate throughout the San Francisco Bay−Delta (Bay−Delta), and are present at concentrations with known effects

Review of Delta Conveyance Project Benefit-Cost Analysis: Implications for Decision-Makers and Financing

University of the Pacific, Center for Business and Policy Research | June 24th, 2024


Review of North Delta Salmon Out-Migration Study

CALFED | January 23rd, 2008


This document is a review of the North Delta Salmon Out-Migration Study (NDSOS) proposed to the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) by a group of PIs l

Review of Research on the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta as an Evolving Place

Delta Stewardship Council (Delta Council) | May 11th, 2017


Research on the social and natural processes that sustain the unique values of the Delta as an evolving place is sparse and sporadic. We found seven research projects and

Review of SWRCB’s “Working Draft Scientific Basis Report for New and Revised Flow Requirements on the Sacramento River and Tributaries, Eastside Tributaries to the Delta, Delta Outflow, and Interior Delta Operations”

Delta Stewardship Council (Delta Council) | February 23rd, 2017


Insightful, informative, well-illustrated, clearly written—these are among our overall impressions of “Working Draft Scientific Basis Report for New and Revised Flow

Review of the Draft 2022-2026 Science Action Agenda

Delta Stewardship Council (Delta Council) | January 28th, 2022


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