How Much Snow?

Scientific American | March 1st, 1939


Last winter, at 682 different locations in the Rockies and high Sierras, more than 30,000 exact measurements of snow depth and water content were taken, in order to e

Human Use of Restored and Naturalized Delta Landscapes

University of California, Davis (UC Davis) | October 31st, 2016


Current legislation and state plans for the California Delta call for large-scale restoration of aquatic and terrestrial habitats, which will require significant changes

Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Model Calibration and Application in San Francisco Bay

San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) | September 3rd, 2018


To answer management questions about nutrient related water quality in San Francisco Bay, hydrodynamic and biogeochemical models have been developed. This report outline

Hydrodynamic Model Development Report: Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta and Suisun Bay (Water Year 2016)

San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) | December 13th, 2019


This report describes work related to hydrodynamic model development for the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary, undertaken as part of a broader eort to develop and apply co

Hydrodynamics and habitat interact to structure fish communities within terminal channels of a tidal freshwater delta

Ecological Society of America (Wiley) | January 13th, 2023


Terminal channels were historically a common feature of tidal delta ecosystems but have become increasingly rare as landscapes have been modified. Tidal hydrodynamics are

Hydrology and Hydrodynamics on the Sacramento River Near the Fremont Weir, California—Implications for Juvenile Salmon Entrainment Estimates

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | November 9th, 2018


Estimates of fish entrainment on the Sacramento River near the Fremont Weir are a critical component in determining the feasibility and design of a proposed notch in the

Impacts of the 2014 severe drought on the Microcystis bloom in San Francisco Estuary

Harmful Algae (Elsevier) | February 17th, 2017


The increased frequency and intensity of drought with climate change may cause an increase in the magnitude and toxicity of freshwater cyanobacteria harmful algal blooms

Improving Habitats Along Delta Levees: A Review of Past Projects and Recommended Next Steps

Delta Stewardship Council (Delta Council) | January 15th, 2016


This review of habitat improvements along Delta levees was conducted to support the development of the Delta Stewardship Council’s (Council) Delta Levee Investment Stra

Increases in Anthropogenic Gadolinium Anomalies and Rare Earth Element Concentrations in San Francisco Bay over a 20 Year Record

American Chemical Society (ACS) | January 7th, 2016


We evaluated both the spatial distribution of gadolinium (Gd) and other rare earth elements (REE) in surface waters collected in a transect of San Francisco Bay (SFB) a

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Hydrological Region