Drinking Water Treatment and Distribution (Resource Management Strategy)

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | July 29th, 2016


Providing a reliable supply of safe drinking water is the primary goal of public water systems in California. To achieve this goal, public water systems must develop and

Drought and Equity in California

Pacific Institute | January 9th, 2017


Drought and Equity in California is the first statewide analysis of the impacts of the drought on California’s most vulnerable communities. This report provides informa

Drought and Equity in the San Francisco Bay Area

Pacific Institute | June 29th, 2016


California’s ongoing drought has wide-reaching impacts, from how we grow crops to the price of electricity. Often overlooked is its impact on disadvantaged communities.

Drought Management and Climate Adaptation among Small, Self-Sufficient Water Systems in California

California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) | August 27th, 2018


 Examining human impacts, responses, and challenges to extreme climatic events can give insight into needed directions for climate adaptation to reduce future risks. Thi

Economic tradeoff between domestic well impact and reduced agricultural production with groundwater drought management: Tulare County, California (USA), case study

Hydrogeology Journal (Springer) | November 8th, 2021


Formal policy analysis can aid resource management where groundwater is used intensively. Approaches for developing equitable and effective pumping allocations for drough

Environmental Justice in California Government

State of California | October 1st, 2003


In California, we have spent over a century and billions of dollars to preserve and protect the environment for current and future generations. The EJ movement asks us to

Environmental Justice Program Implementation for Lahontan Region

Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board (LRWQCB) | January 30th, 2015


The Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board (Lahontan Water Board) reviewed how environmental justice (EJ) is conducted in the region and examined new ways to impro

Estimating domestic well locations and populations served in the contiguous U.S. for years 2000 and 2010

Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier) | October 15th, 2019


Domestic wells provide drinking water supply for approximately 40 million people in the United States. Knowing the location of these wells, and the populations they serve

Estimating perchlorate exposure from food and tap water based on U.S. biomonitoring and occurrence data

Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology (Springer) | June 23rd, 2010


Human biomonitoring data show that exposure to perchlorate is widespread in the United States. The predominant source of intake is food, whereas drinking water is

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Hydrological Region