Shrinking lakes, air pollution, and human health: Evidence from California's Salton Sea

Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier) | January 7th, 2020


Due to increased water withdrawals and ongoing climate change, many inland lakes around the world are shrinking and dry lake beds can be significant sources of particulat

State of the Salton Sea: A Science and Monitoring Meeting of Scientists for the Salton Sea

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | January 19th, 2017


The Salton Sea (Sea) is an ecosystem facing large systemic changes in the near future. Managers and stakeholders are seeking solutions to the decline of the Sea and have

Statement of E. Joaquin Esquivel, Chair, California State Water Resources Control Board Before the Water, Oceans, and Wildlife Subcommittee Hearing on Federal and State Efforts to Restore the Salton Sea

Salton Sea Authority | September 24th, 2020


Good afternoon Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee. My name is Joaquin Esquivel and I am the Chair of the California State Water Resources Control Board. Th

Subsurface Geometry of the San Andreas Fault in Southern California: Results from the Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP) and Strong Ground Motion Expectations

Seismological Society of America (SSA) | August 1st, 2017


The San Andreas fault (SAF) is one of the most studied strike‐slip faults in the world; yet its subsurface geometry is still uncertain in most locations. The Salton S

Tectonic evolution of the Salton Sea inferred from seismic reflection data

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | July 26th, 2009


Oblique extension across strike-slip faults causes subsidence and leads to the formation of pull-apart basins such as the Salton Sea in southern California. The f

Testimony of Wade Crowfoot, California Secretary for Natural Resources House Natural Resources Committee Subcommittee on Water, Oceans and Wildlife

Salton Sea Authority | September 24th, 2020


Thank you, Chairman Huffman and members of the Subcommittee for the opportunity to testify today on how the federal government can partner with California to inve

The disappearing Salton Sea: A critical reflection on the emerging environmental threat of disappearing saline lakes and potential impacts on children's health

Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier) | February 6th, 2019


Changing weather patterns, droughts and competing water demands are dramatically altering the landscape and creating conditions conducive to the production of wind-blown

The Effect of a Receding Saline Lake (The Salton Sea) on Airborne Particulate Matter Composition

American Chemical Society (ACS) | July 12th, 2017


The composition of ambient particulate matter (PM) and its sources were investigated at the Salton Sea, a shrinking saline lake in California. To investigate the influenc

The Inundation of the Salton Basin by the Colorado River and How It Was Caused

Scientific American | April 14th, 1906


If the Colorado River continues to flow through the channel which it has been occupying during the last six months, the geography of the Southwest must be radically ch

The New Inland Sea

Scientific American | April 13th, 1907


The deep channel in the Alamo River, which passed Holtville in August, was gradually approaching Sharp's Heading, and it was recognized that when this cataract reached

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