Navigating a Flood of Information Evaluating and Integrating Climate Science into Groundwater Planning in California

Union of Concerned Scientists | November 1st, 2017


In early 2017, northern California experienced record-setting levels of precipitation. The amount of rain and snow from October 2016 through February 2017 was the greates

New Stone Water District Groundwater Sustainability Plan

New Stone Water District (NSWD) | December 23rd, 2019


This GSP covers about 4,200 acres in the northwestern area of the basin that is adjacent to the Chowchilla Bypass covering the New Stone Water District Groundwater Sustai

New Stone Water District GSA Groundwater Sustainability Plan

New Stone Water District (NSWD) | September 23rd, 2019



North American Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan

Sacramento Groundwater Authority | December 15th, 2021


In 2014, the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) was signed by the Governor of the state of California, setting the framework for local agencies to sustainably

North Fork Kings Groundwater Sustainability Agency Groundwater Sustainability Plan (Revised)

North Fork Kings Groundwater Sustainability Agency (NFKGSA) | July 14th, 2022


North Fork Kings Groundwater Sustainability Plan

North Fork Kings Groundwater Sustainability Agency (NFKGSA) | December 18th, 2019


North Kings Groundwater Sustainability Groundwater Sustainability Plan

North Kings Groundwater Sustainability Agency | November 21st, 2019


North San Benito Groundwater Sustainability Plan

San Benito County Water District Groundwater Sustainability Agency (SBCWD) | November 30th, 2021


The North San Benito Groundwater Basin (Basin) is the plan area for this Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP), developed consistent with the Sustainable Groundwater Man

Northern and Central Delta-Mendota Regions Revised Groundwater Sustainability Plan

San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority (SLDMWA) | June 24th, 2022


Within the Delta-Mendota Subbasin, six (6) GSPs have been developed in a coordinated fashion with the goal of achieving sustainability for the Subbasin as a whole. The GS

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