Authority and Effectiveness of the State Water Resources Control Board

Delta Vision Blue Ribbon Task Force (Delta Vision) | July 1st, 2008


This report addresses issues related to the effectiveness of the California State Water Resources Control Board (“State Board” or “Board”) in carrying out its rol

Availability of high-magnitude streamflow for groundwater banking in the Central Valley, California

Environmental Research Letters (IOP) | July 31st, 2017


California’s climate is characterized by the largest precipitation and streamflow variability observed within the conterminous US This, combined with chronic gr

Background and Recent History of Water Transfers in California

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | July 1st, 2015


The purpose of this paper is to provide a basic understanding of water transfers in California with an emphasis on transfers that move water through the Sacramento-

Battling the Inland Sea

University of California Press | July 1st, 1998


Bay Area Green Infrastructure Water Quality Synthesis

San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) | June 1st, 2018


San Francisco Bay is impacted by the numerous urban pollutants that flow from the surrounding landscape during storm events. In San Francisco Bay, total maximum daily lo

Bed-Material Characteristics of the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, California, 2010–13

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | January 9th, 2017


The characteristics of bed material at selected sites within the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, California, during 2010–13 are described in a study conducted by the U.

Benefit-Cost Analysis of the Delta Conveyance Project

Berkeley Research Group (BRG) | May 16th, 2024


This report presents the results of a benefit-cost analysis for the Delta Conveyance Project (DCP), a plan to modernize the State Water Project (SWP)’s conveyance infra

Bifenthrin, a ubiquitous contaminant, impairs the development and behavior of the threatened Longfin Smelt during early life stages

American Chemical Society (ACS) | June 23rd, 2023


The Longfin Smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys) population in the San Franscisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (Bay-Delta) has declined to ∼1% of its pre-1980s abundance

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