Proposal for a Revised ITL and Expected Take for Adult Delta Smelt

Delta Stewardship Council (Delta Council) | July 29th, 2014


The 2008 USFWS Incidental Take Level (ITL) calculation determines the amount of annual delta smelt salvage allowed to be taken by the State Water Project (SWP) an

Proposal for Calculating Cumulative Salvage Index Values Used For Estimating Take Likely to Occur under the USFWS Old and Middle River Flow RPA for Adult Delta Smelt

Delta Stewardship Council (Delta Council) | September 19th, 2014


The objectives of this paper are to provide a rationale why the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Incidental Take Statement should include more year

Quantification of pre-screen loss of juvenile steelhead in Clifton Court Forebay

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | August 26th, 2008


Recent California Water Transfers: Implications for Water Management

Natural Resources Journal (University of New Mexico) | December 1st, 1995


The 1991 and 1992 California Drought Emergency Water Banks were the first large water transfer programs in the nation in which the State served as the predominant

Reforming Davis-Dolwig: Funding Recreation in the State Water Project

Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) | March 19th, 2009


The Davis-Dolwig Act is a 47-year-old state law that specifies that the state, not water ratepayers, should fund the recreation component of the the State Water Project (

Relationship of Delta Cross Channel Gate Operations to Loss of Juvenile Winter-run Chinook Salmon at the CVP/SWP Delta Facilities

California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) | July 1st, 2003


Winter-run Chinook salmon are distinguishable from the three other Chinook runs in the Sacramento River system by the timing of their upstream migration and spawning. Due

Filter Results






Hydrological Region