A 10 per cent increase in global land evapotranspiration from 2003 to 2019

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | May 26th, 2021


Accurate quantification of global land evapotranspiration is necessary for understanding variability in the global water cycle, which is expected to intensify und

A 450-year record of environmental change from Castle Lake, California (USA), inferred from diatoms and organic geochemistry

Journal of Paleolimnology (Springer) | November 11th, 2020


A 39-cm sediment core from Castle Lake, California (USA) spans the last ~ 450 years and was analyzed for diatoms and organic geochemistry (δ15N, δ13C, and C:N), wi

A rationale for effective post-fire debris flow mitigation within forested terrain

Geoenvironmental Disasters (Springer) | May 25th, 2018


Watersheds recently burned by wildfires are recognized as having an increased susceptibility to debris flow occurrence. The great majority occur within the first 2 years

A shift from drought to extreme rainfall drives a stable landslide to catastrophic failure

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | February 7th, 2019


The addition of water on or below the earth’s surface generates changes in stress that can trigger both stable and unstable sliding of landslides and faults.

A study of methods to estimate debris flow velocity

Landslides (Springer) | September 16th, 2019


Debris flow velocities are commonly back-calculated from superelevation events which require subjective estimates of radii of curvature of bends in the debris flow channe

Age Determination of the Remaining Peat in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, California, USA

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | October 9th, 2007


The Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta of California was once a 1,400 square kilometer (km2) tidal marsh, which contained a vast layer of peat ranging up to 15 meters (m) thi


Scientific American | August 1st, 1960


Beaches are natural playgrounds partly under the sun and partly under the sea where people can swim and surfboard, sun themselves and study other people. This human a

Changing ecosystems: a brief ecological history of the Delta

University of California, Davis (UC Davis) | February 15th, 2010


The San Francisco Estuary is a young estuary, about 6-10,000 years old in its present location. It became established during periods of high climatic variability (reflect

County of San Bernardino Hydrology Manual

San Bernardino County | August 1st, 1986


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