Data Measured on Water Collected from Eastern Mojave Desert, California

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) | August 18th, 2017


In March of 2000 field collection of water from the Eastern Mojave Desert resulted in the measurement of stable isotope, radiocarbon, tritium, and limited dissolved nobl

Debris flow occurrence under changing climate and wildfire regimes: A southern California perspective

Geomorphology (Elsevier) | December 2nd, 2022


In southern California, wildfire incidents are increasing in frequency and magnitude. There is a great deal of research predicting the impact of climate change on large s

Distribution of Lakes in the United States

Scientific American | June 12th, 1880


There are numerous lacustrine basins to be found in the States bordering the Pacific Ocean. As in other regions of the globe, their distribution is determined by the co

Effects of Snow Water Storage on Hydrologic Partitioning Across the Mountainous, Western United States

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | July 12th, 2023


The retention of snow water storage and subsequent release of stored water in summer months resulted in increased hydrologic partitioning to streamflow. If the Snow Stora

Estimating reservoir sedimentation rates at large spatialand temporal scales: A case study of California

Water Resources Research, American Geophysical Union (AGU) | December 25th, 2009


Previous reservoir sedimentation models have ignored two key factors for large spatial and temporal modeling of multiple reservoirs: trapping by upstream dams and decre

Evidence for coseismic subsidence events in a southern California coastal saltmarsh

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | March 20th, 2017


Paleoenvironmental records from a southern California coastal saltmarsh reveal evidence for repeated late Holocene coseismic subsidence events. Field analysis of

Fire (plus) flood (equals) beach: coastal response to an exceptional river sediment discharge event

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | March 9th, 2022


Wildfire and post-fire rainfall have resounding effects on hillslope processes and sediment yields of mountainous landscapes. Yet, it remains unclear how fire–flood se

Flood Management in California

Water, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) | February 14th, 2012


California’s development and success have been shaped by its ability to manage floods. This management has varied over the history of California’s economic and p

Geohydrology, Geochemistry, and Ground-Water Simulation-Optimization of the Central and West Coast Basins, Los Angeles County, California By

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | January 3rd, 2003


Historical ground-water development of the Central and West Coast Basins in Los Angeles County, California through the first half of the 20th century caused large water-l

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