Height-related changes in forest composition explain increasing tree mortality with height during an extreme drought

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | July 7th, 2020


Recently, Stovall et al. showed that during an extreme drought, remotely sensed mortality of tall trees was more than double that of short trees. They interpreted this t

Hetch Hetchy Restoration Study

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | July 17th, 2006


The restoration of Hetch Hetchy Valley on the upper Tuolumne River has once again captured the public’s imagination. In order to provide for an informed dialogue about

How freeing rivers can help California ease flood risks and revive ecosystems

Los Angeles Times | February 20th, 2024


Natural floodplains — the lush green lands along rivers that historically flooded, retained water, and nourished life in the heart of the valley — were mostly drained

Human Use of Restored and Naturalized Delta Landscapes

University of California, Davis (UC Davis) | October 31st, 2016


Current legislation and state plans for the California Delta call for large-scale restoration of aquatic and terrestrial habitats, which will require significant changes

Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Model Calibration and Application in San Francisco Bay

San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) | September 3rd, 2018


To answer management questions about nutrient related water quality in San Francisco Bay, hydrodynamic and biogeochemical models have been developed. This report outline

Hydrodynamic Model Development Report: Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta and Suisun Bay (Water Year 2016)

San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) | December 13th, 2019


This report describes work related to hydrodynamic model development for the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary, undertaken as part of a broader eort to develop and apply co

Hydrodynamics and habitat interact to structure fish communities within terminal channels of a tidal freshwater delta

Ecological Society of America (Wiley) | January 13th, 2023


Terminal channels were historically a common feature of tidal delta ecosystems but have become increasingly rare as landscapes have been modified. Tidal hydrodynamics are

Hydrogeology of Lower Amargosa Valley and Groundwater Discharge to the Amargosa Wild and Scenic River, Inyo and San Bernardino Counties, California, and Adjacent Areas in Nye and Clark Counties, Nevada

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | February 7th, 2019


In 2009, Congress designated certain reaches of the Amargosa River in Inyo County, California between the town of Shoshone and Dumont Dunes as a Wild and Scenic River. As

Hydrology and Hydrodynamics on the Sacramento River Near the Fremont Weir, California—Implications for Juvenile Salmon Entrainment Estimates

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | November 9th, 2018


Estimates of fish entrainment on the Sacramento River near the Fremont Weir are a critical component in determining the feasibility and design of a proposed notch in the

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Hydrological Region