Sacramento River

The Sacramento River region includes the entire drainage of the Sacramento River and its tributaries, spanning from Chipps Island in Solano County northward to Goose Lake in Modoc County. The state’s two largest water systems, the Central Valley Project and the State Water Project, originate here. Agriculture is the main driver, with over 1.5 million acres irrigated on the valley floor. Top grossing crops include rice, walnuts, almonds, and tomatoes.

Advancing Hydro-Economic Optimization to Identify Vulnerabilities and Adaptation Opportunities in California’s Water System

California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) | August 27th, 2018


Long-term shifts in the timing and magnitude of reservoir inflows will affect water supply reliability in California. Hydro-economic models can help explore climate chang

Advancing Strategic Land Repurposing and Groundwater Sustainability in California

Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) | March 26th, 2021


For decades, California has been on a steady trajectory toward water scarcity, which is now exacerbated by climate change. More frequent and intense droughts and incre

Agreement Between the United States of America and the State of California for Coordinated Operating Agreement for the Central Valley Project and the State Water Project

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) | November 24th, 1986


The 1986 agreement between the Bureau of Reclamation and the Department of Water Resources for the coordinated operation of the Central Valley Project and the State Water

Agricultural Damages and Losses from ARkStorm Scenario Flooding in California

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | November 17th, 2016


Scientists designed the ARkStorm scenario to challenge the preparedness of California communities for widespread flooding with a historical precedence and increased l

Agricultural Irrigation in This Drought: Where is the Water and Where Is It Going?

University of California Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics | May 14th, 2015


In the midst of its fourth year of drought, California now faces an estimated reduction in surface-water availability of 8.8 million acre-feet (maf) out of 29 maf in agri

Agricultural Land Use in California

Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) | June 25th, 2024


Agricultural risks from changing snowmelt

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | April 20th, 2020


Snowpack stores cold-season precipitation to meet warm-season water demand. Climate change threatens to disturb this balance by altering the fraction of precipita

Alternatives for Delta Water Transfers

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | November 1st, 1983


Aluminum- and iron-based coagulation for in-situ removal of dissolved organic carbon, disinfection byproducts, mercury and other constituents from agricultural drain water

Journal of Geochemical Exploration (Elsevier) | May 9th, 2019


Agricultural production on wetland soils can be significant sources of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), disinfection byproduct precursors, mercury and nutrients to downst

American and Sacramento Rivers, California, Erodibility Measurements and Model

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | August 11th, 2021


A previous report by the authors described sediment sampling and drilling by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) beside the American and Sacramento Rivers near Sacramento,

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Hydrological Region