Document Details

Sutter County Groundwater Management Plan

Wood Rodgers, Inc. | March 19th, 2012

Sutter County intends this GMP to be relevant for the entire County. Sutter County overlies the south central part of the Sacramento Valley Groundwater Basin, and specifically the Sutter Subbasin and portions of the East Butte and North American Subbasins. The majority of the County is serviced by water and irrigation districts, reclamation districts, cities, and public utility districts, which have the authority to manage groundwater in their service areas. Unless those entities decline to manage groundwater on their own, and instead enter into agreements with the County, this GMP does not formally apply to those areas. If those entities choose not to adopt their own GMPs, they have the option of taking formal action to adopt the Sutter County GMP for their areas. By doing so, they will fulfill the requirements of the groundwater management provisions of the California Water Code.


Groundwater Exchange, groundwater pumping impacts, planning and management, Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, water supply