Document Details

Statement of Findings regarding the Determination of Incomplete Status of the Cuyama Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Plan

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | January 21st, 2022

The Department of Water Resources (Department) is required to evaluate whether a submitted groundwater sustainability plan (GSP or Plan) conforms to specific requirements of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA or Act), is likely to achieve the sustainability goal for the basin covered by the Plan, and whether the Plan adversely affects the ability of an adjacent basin to implement its GSP or impedes achievement of sustainability goals in an adjacent basin. (Water Code 10733.) The Department is directed to issue an assessment of the Plan within two years of its submission. (Water Code 10733.4.) This Statement of Findings explains the Department’s decision regarding the Plan submitted by the Cuyama Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) for the Cuyama Valley Basin (No. 3-013).

Department management has reviewed the enclosed Staff Report, which recommends that the identified deficiencies should preclude approval of the GSP. Based on its review of the Staff Report, Department management is satisfied that staff have conducted a thorough evaluation and assessment of the Plan and concurs with, and hereby adopts, staff’s recommendation and all the corrective actions provided. The Department thus deems the Plan incomplete based on the Staff Report and the findings contained herein.


Groundwater Exchange, Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP), planning and management, Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), water supply