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Estuary News, March 2022

Ariel Rubissow Okamoto, Joe Eaton, Aleta George, Robin Meadows, Nate Seltenrich, Alastair Bland, Kathleen Wong, Jacoba Charles, Cariad Hayes, Sierra Garcia, Peter B. Moyle | March 15th, 2023

In this special issue on fish, Estuary shares both the heroics of saving a fish near extinction as well as the secrets of some sturdier, healthier natives. Stories detail how South Bay fish are faring now that so much fish-food-producing marsh habitat has been restored; reveal how shreds of rubber from our car tires are poisoning Pacific Coast coho; and tally steelhead in urban and rural watersheds. Estuary doesn’t forget, either, to drill down, once again, into the perpetual failure of the best-laid plans and policies to actually protect our beloved salmon, especially in drought when there isn’t enough water to go round.


Estuary News, fisheries, native fish, Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta