Document Details

One Water LA 2040 Plan

Carollo Engineers (Carollo), Stantec, Inc. (Stantec), Geosyntec Consultants (Geosyntec), CDM Smith (CDM Smith), CH2M Hill (CH2M Hill), Katz & Associates (Katz), M2 Resource Consulting (M2) | April 30th, 2018

The purpose of the One Water LA 2040 Plan (Plan) is to increase sustainable water management for the City of Los Angeles (City). The City launched One Water LA with two primary goals:

1. Develop a vision and implementation strategy to more sustainably and cost-effectively manage water.

2. Identify ways for City departments and regional agencies to integrate their water management strategies.

Los Angeles Sanitation (LASAN) and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) led the Plan’s development, partnering with other City departments, regional agencies, academia, the business community, and other stakeholders. The Plan provides a comprehensive strategy for managing water in a more integrated, collaborative, and sustainable way through new project, program, and policy opportunities. The Implementation Strategy provides a roadmap to make the One Water LA Vision a reality. Additional water projects, programs, or policies that are the sole responsibility of one agency, including LADWP’s aqueduct or groundwater remediation project, are contained in each agency’s appropriate plans.

This plan is divided into an Executive Summary and ten sections.

Executive Summary
Volume One: Summary Report
Volume Two: Wastewater Facilities Plan
Volume Three: Stormwater and Urban Runoff Facilities Plan
Volume Four: Los Angeles River Flow Study
Volume Five: Integration Opportunities Analysis
Volume Six: Climate Risk and Resilience Assessment for Wastewater and Stormwater Infrastructure
Volume Seven: Implementation Strategy Supporting Documents
Volume Eight: Technical Support Materials
Volume Nine: Stakeholder Engagement Materials, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Volume Ten: Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (in progress)


direct potable reuse, outreach and engagement, planning and management, recycled water, stormwater, urban water conservation, wastewater