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Goodbye to “Rough Fish”: Paradigm Shift in the Conservation of Native Fishes

Andrew L. Rypel, Parsa Saffarinia, Caryn C. Vaughn, Larry Nesper, Katherine O’Reilly, Christine A. Parisek, Matthew L. Miller, Peter B. Moyle, Nann A. Fangue, Miranda Bell-Tilcock, David Ayers, Solomon R. David | July 21st, 2021

While sometimes difficult to admit, perspectives of European and white males have overwhelmingly dominated fisheries science and management in the USA. This dynamic is exemplified by bias against “rough fish”—a pejorative ascribing low-to-zero value for countless native fishes. One product of this bias is that biologists have ironically worked against conservation of diverse fishes for over a century, and these problems persist today. Nearly all U.S. states retain bag limits and other policies that are regressive and encourage overfishing and decline of native species. Multiple lines of evidence point towards the need for a paradigm shift. These include: (1) native species deliver critical ecosystem services; (2) little demonstration that native fish removals deliver intended benefits; (3) many native fishes are long-lived and vulnerable to overfishing and decline; and (4) fisher values and demographics shifting towards native fish conservation. Overall, existing native fish policies are unacceptable and run counter to the public trust doctrine where government agencies manage natural resources for public use. We encourage agencies to revisit their policies regarding native fishes and provide suggestions for developing more holistic, protective, and inclusive conservation policy.


ecosystem management, fisheries, native fish