Document Details

Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the Ojai Valley Groundwater Basin

Dudek | January 31st, 2022

The intent of this GSP is to meet the requirements of SGMA. To this end, this GSP includes the scientific and other background information about the OVGB required by SGMA and its implementing regulations. The GSP is also intended to provide a roadmap for how sustainability is to be maintained in the OVGB, including through projects and management actions (PMAs) to be taken, as well as the financial implications of implementing the GSP. At the same time, the GSP recognizes that while some management actions can be taken early on in the GSP implementation process, other actions, including those requiring grant funding and collaboration between stakeholders, are to be implemented over time.

Due to size, this file has been divided into four parts.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4


Groundwater Exchange, Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP), Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA)