Document Details

Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) for the Cadiz Groundwater Storage Dry-Year Supply Program

Bureau of Land Management (BLM) | September 13th, 2001

In February 1999, Metropolitan issued a Notice of Preparation of an EIR for the Cadiz Project which would be constructed and operated by Metropolitan in the Cadiz and Fenner Valleys of the eastern Mojave Desert, San Bernardino County, California. The BLM determined that an EIS would be required as the proposed action includes an amendment of the CDCA Plan for an exception to the utility corridor requirements and grant(s) of right-of-way across federal lands. The BLM issued a Notice of Intent to Prepare an EIS for the proposed action in March 1999. In May 1999, the BLM issued a Notice of Public Meeting and extension of the scoping comment period. The Draft EIR/EIS was published in November 1999 with a 104-day public review period that ended in March 2000.

Because numerous comments raised questions regarding groundwater management issues, a Supplement to the Draft EIR/EIS was prepared to provide additional information and to present the Groundwater Monitoring and Management Plan (Management Plan) that has been incorporated into the proposed project. The Management Plan will govern the water storage and extraction operations in the affected groundwater basins to ensure that project operations will not result in any unacceptable adverse impacts to groundwater resources or air quality. The Supplement to the Draft EIR/EIS was circulated for an 80-day public review period that ended in January 2001.

The Cadiz Project is proposed by Metropolitan who is acting in partnership with the private company Cadiz Inc. The project will involve construction and operation of a 35-mile pipeline for conveying water between the Iron Mountain Pumping Plant on the Colorado River Aqueduct and the Cadiz/Fenner area, a Cadiz Pumping Plant at Metropolitan.s existing Iron Mountain Pumping Plant facility, 390 acres of spreading basins for percolation of Colorado River water into the groundwater basin in the Cadiz/Fenner area, a wellfield for extracting stored Colorado River water and indigenous groundwater, and associated power poles and line along the conveyance pipeline and in the wellfield.

This Final EIR/EIS contains comments received on the Draft EIR/EIS and the Supplement to the Draft EIR/EIS, detailed responses to those comments, and integrates the information contained in the Draft EIR/EIS and Supplement to the Draft EIR/EIS with revisions as appropriate in response to comments.


endangered species, Groundwater Exchange, groundwater pumping impacts, water supply