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Safe Drinking Water Plan for California: Report to the Legislature in Compliance with Health and Safety Code Section 116365

California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) | June 8th, 2015

The State Water Board recognizes that to fulfill the Human Right to Water in California, every resident should have access to affordable, safe drinking water regardless of the water system size. Provided data become available on this topic, in a future update of the Safe Drinking Water Plan the Water Board could expand the scope to include systems below 15 service connections, but to do that would require new and expanded authority, significantly more resources, as well as commitment and involvement of other local and state agency partners. At this time, this report contains 32 practical recommendations in 9 areas that would expand the State Water Board’s efforts to bring a greater number of systems into compliance and contribute to realizing the Human Right to Water in California. Each chapter provides a background discussion covering the areas mandated by the Legislature including a description of problems and issues and a set of conclusions and recommendations with the basis and justification for them. A detailed five-year implementation plan addressing the major recommendations is provided in Appendix 10.


drinking water, groundwater contamination, Groundwater Exchange, water quality