Ocean Climate Indicators: A Monitoring Inventory and Plan for Tracking Climate Change in the North-central California Coast and Ocean Region

Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council | August 14th, 2014


The impacts of climate change, defined as increasing atmospheric and oceanic carbon dioxide and associated increases in average global temperature and oceanic a

Persistent spatial structuring of coastal ocean acidification in the California Current System

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | May 31st, 2017


The near-term progression of ocean acidification (OA) is projected to bring about sharp changes in the chemistry of coastal upwelling ecosystems. The distribution of OA

Rapid emergence of climate change in environmental drivers of marine ecosystems

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | March 7th, 2017


Climate change is expected to modify ecological responses in the ocean, with the potential for important effects on the ecosystem services provided to humankind

Rapid progression of ocean acidification in the California current system

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) | June 14th, 2012


Nearshore waters of the California Current System (California CS) already today have a low carbonate saturation state, making them particularly susceptible to o

Risks of ocean acidification in the California Current food web and fisheries: ecosystem model projections

Wiley | January 12th, 2017


The benefits and ecosystem services that humans derive from the oceans are threatened by numerous global change stressors, one of which is ocean acidification. Here, we d

The Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) | September 24th, 2019


All people on Earth depend directly or indirectly on the ocean and cryosphere. The global ocean covers 71% of the Earth surface and contains about 97% of the Earth’s w

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