Before the Well Runs Dry: Improving the Linkage Between Groundwater and Land Use Planning

Stanford University | April 17th, 2014


There is no comprehensive regulation of groundwater use in the state of California,* and the right to withdraw groundwater is based on surface land ownership. This create

Benefit Accounting of Nature-Based Solutions for Watersheds Guide - Version 2

Pacific Institute | August 23rd, 2023


This guide helps users account for and measure the stacked water,1 carbon, biodiversity and socio-economic benefits of a Nature-Based Solution NBS project. Accounting for

Benefit Accounting of Nature-Based Solutions for Watersheds Landscape Assessment

United Nations (UN) | August 3rd, 2020


This landscape assessment is the outcome of Phase 1 of a tri-phased project and was designed to inform the path forward for engaging the private sector to invest in natu

Bringing Water and Land Use Together

Local Government Commission | April 11th, 2019


In 2005, the California Legislature passed new laws that enable communities to join together to adopt Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) policies and practices.

Building Ecological Resilience in Highly Modified Landscapes

BioScience (Oxford University Press) | November 7th, 2018


Ecological resilience is a powerful heuristic for ecosystem management in the context of rapid environmental change. Significant efforts are underway to improve

Bulletin No. 24-60, Coastal Los Angeles County Land and Water Use Survey, 1960

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | April 9th, 1964


Bulletin No. 35, Permissible Economic Rate of Irrigation Development in California

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | October 30th, 1930


Bulletin No. 84 Mojave River Ground Water Basins Investigation

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | August 15th, 1967


Click here for Bulletin No. 84 maps and plates.

California against the sea

Los Angeles Times | July 7th, 2019


THE CALIFORNIA COAST GREW AND PROSPERED during a remarkable moment in history when the sea was at its tamest. But the mighty Pacific, unbeknownst to all, was nearing i

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