Estuary News, March 2022

San Francisco Estuary Partnership (SFEP) | March 15th, 2023


In this special issue on fish, Estuary shares both the heroics of saving a fish near extinction as well as the secrets of some sturdier, healthier natives. Stories detail

Evidence of Landlocked Chinook Salmon Populations in California

North American Journal of Fisheries Management (Taylor & Francis) | November 10th, 2015


Natural reproduction of adfluvial Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha has been documented in their native and introduced range but not in California, the southern end

Examining the causes and consequences of hybridization during Chinook salmon reintroductions: using the San Joaquin River as a restoration case study of management options

University of California, Davis (UC Davis) | June 15th, 2014


Successful salmonid restoration efforts depend upon an understanding of the evolutionary processes that historically shaped population diversity, as well as the realities

Feather River Salmonid Habitat Improvement Project Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | October 6th, 2022


An initial study/proposed mitigated negative declaration (IS/MND) has been prepared to assess the proposed project’s potential effects on the physical environment and t

Fish Bulletin 133. Ecological Studies of The Sacramento-San Joaquin Estuary Part 1: Zooplankton, Zoobenthos, and Fishes of San Pablo and Suisun Bays, Zooplankton and Zoobenthos of the Delta

California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) | September 9th, 1965


The Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers have a common estuary. These two streams meet in the center of California's central valley to form the Delta (Figure 1). A hundred y

Fish Restoration Program Agreement Implementation Strategy for Habitat Restoration and Other Actions for Listed Delta Fish

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | March 6th, 2012


The Fish Restoration Program Agreement (FRPA) (Appendix A), between the Department of Fish and Game (DFG) and the Department of Water Resources (DWR), was signed on Octob

Fishes, Hydrology, and Ecology of the Klamath River Basin

National Academy of Sciences (NAS) | February 11th, 2008


The Klamath River basin in southern Oregon and northern California is the focus of a prominent conflict over competing uses for water in the American West. Management mea

Floodplain farm fields provide novel rearing habitat for Chinook salmon

PLOS | June 7th, 2016


When inundated by floodwaters, river floodplains provide critical habitat for many species of fish and wildlife, but many river valleys have been extensively leveed and f

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