On-farm flood capture could reduce groundwater overdraft in Kings River Basin

California Agriculture (UCANR) | November 16th, 2016


Chronic groundwater overdraft threatens agricultural sustainability in California’s Central Valley. Diverting flood flows onto farmland for groundwater rechar

Patterns in the use of a restored California floodplain by native and alien fishes

University of California, Davis (UC Davis) | July 7th, 2007


Fishes were sampled on the restored floodplain of the Cosumnes River in Central California in order to determine patterns of floodplain use. The floodplain was sampled fo

Petaluma Valley Historical Hydrology and Ecology Study

San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) | March 1st, 2018


This study examines the historical hydrology and ecology of the Petaluma River watershed prior to major Euro-American modification, and analyzes landscape changes over th

Productive wetlands restored for carbon sequestration quickly become net CO2 sinks with site-level factors driving uptake variability

PLOS | March 25th, 2021


Inundated wetlands can potentially sequester substantial amounts of soil carbon (C) over the long-term because of slow decomposition and high primary productivity, partic

Promoting atmospheric-river and snowmelt fueled biogeomorphic processes by restoring river-floodplain connectivity in California’s Central Valley

Springer | April 30th, 2015


Potential biogeomorphic benefits from intentional levee breaks and weir overflow on the managed floodplain-river system of California’s Sacramento and San Joaquin River

Recharge Area Protection (Resource Management Strategy)

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | July 29th, 2016


Recharge areas are those areas that provide the primary means of replenishing groundwater. Good natural recharge areas are those where good quality surface water is able

Reconciling fish and farms: Methods for managing California rice fields as salmon habitat

PLOS | February 24th, 2021


Rearing habitat for juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in California, the southernmost portion of their range, has drastically declined throughout the pa

Reference Guide to On-Farm Groundwater Recharge on Annual Cropland | Recommendations for Creating Waterbird Habitat Benefits

Nature Conservancy | May 1st, 2019


With the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) requiring basins to balance water budgets and manage groundwater sustainably, there is an opportunity to demonstr

Regional Governance of Flood Management in the Central Valley

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | May 30th, 2014


California faces significant challenges in managing its highly variable water resources, particularly as climate change and a growing population exacerbate drought and fl

Resilient landscape vision for Lower Walnut Creek

San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) | November 30th, 2016


Lower Walnut Creek (Contra Costa County, CA) and its surrounding landscape have undergone considerable land reclamation and development since the mid-nineteenth century.

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