Revised Groundwater Sustainability Plan County of Fresno GSA Management Area A & Management Area B Delta-Mendota Subbasin

County of Fresno | July 20th, 2022


The Delta-Mendota Subbasin (Basin 5-022.07 in the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Bulletin 118) (Subbasin) is a high priority Subbasin that has been assign

Rivers that Depend on Aquifers: Drafting SGMA Groundwater Plans with Fisheries in Mind

Golden Gate University (GSU) | April 12th, 2018


In California, surface waters have historically been regulated as if they were unconnected to groundwater. Yet, in reality, surface waters and groundwater are often hydro

Root Creek Water District Groundwater Sustainability Plan

Root Creek Water District | November 11th, 2019


The RCWDGSA covers almost 10,000 acres in southeast Madera County located southwest of the intersection of State Highway 41 and Avenue 12 along the banks of and just nort

Sacramento County | Making Room for Recharge: Cosumnes River Levee Removal and Floodplain Restoration

Nature Conservancy | June 12th, 2014


Reconnecting rivers to floodplains can facilitate groundwater recharge. A recent project along the Cosumnes River is one of the first to intentionally demonstra

Sacramento River Hydrologic Region Groundwater Update

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | April 1st, 2015


The primary goal of the Sacramento River Hydrologic Region (Sacramento River region) groundwater update is to expand information about region-specific groundwater conditi

Safe Drinking Water Plan for California: Report to the Legislature in Compliance with Health and Safety Code Section 116365

California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) | June 8th, 2015


The State Water Board recognizes that to fulfill the Human Right to Water in California, every resident should have access to affordable, safe drinking water regardless

Salinas River Watershed Area Salt Modeling

California Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (CCRWQCB) | November 13th, 2015


Tetra Tech supported EPA Region 9 and the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (CCRWQCB) for an assessment of salt impairments and development of a

Salinas Valley Groundwater Basin 180/400-Foot Aquifer Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan

Salinas Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency | January 3rd, 2020


The 2014 California Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) requires that medium and high-priority groundwater basins and subbasins develop Groundwater Sustainabil

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Hydrological Region