The Delta Plan: Ensuring a reliable water supply for California, a healthy Delta ecosystem, and a place of enduring value

Delta Stewardship Council (Delta Council) | May 16th, 2013


The Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta is the grand confluence of California’s waters, the place where the state’s largest rivers merge in a web of channels—and in

The Economic Value of Nature's Services and its role in Integrated Water Management: Four California Case Studies

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | July 1st, 2014


Here we present four case studies of integrated regional water management that include enhancement of biological diversity among their goals. Each pilot-scale project foc

The Great Salt Lake Strategic Plan

Office of the Great Salt Lake Commissioner | January 15th, 2024


This document represents an initial strategy to more effectively protect the Great Salt Lake, while balancing the other ecological, economic, and societal interests surro

The impact of vegetation on meandering rivers

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | January 25th, 2022


The Palaeozoic evolution of land plants revolutionized river geomorphology. However, the relationships between biotic forcing and channel dynamics are still debated and,

The Natural Flow Regime

BioScience (Oxford University Press) | December 1st, 1997


Humans have long been fascinated by the dynamism of free-flowing waters. Yet we have expended great effort to tame rivers for transportation, water supply, flood con

The Role of Tidal Marsh Restoration in Fish Management in the San Francisco Estuary

University of California, Davis (UC Davis) | March 1st, 2014


Tidal marsh restoration is an important management issue in the San Francisco Estuary (estuary). Restoration of large areas of tidal marsh is ongoing or planned in the lo

Tijuana River Valley Historical Ecology Investigation

San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) | January 2nd, 2017


The Tijuana River Valley Historical Ecology Investigation addresses a regional data gap by reconstructing the landscape and ecosystem characteristics of the river valley

Torres Martinez Tribe Salton Sea Oral Testimony

Salton Sea Authority | September 24th, 2020


 Chairman and Ranking Member, I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to testify today. I am the Tribal Council Chairman of the Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla (Tribe) an

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