Accounting for Water "Wasted to the Sea"

University of California, Davis (UC Davis) | April 19th, 2018


Freshwater outflow from the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta is a contentious management issue. Once mixed with salt water of San Francisco Bay, outflow is often characteri

Achieving State Goals for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) | January 15th, 2015


The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (Delta) is a biodiverse ecosystem that covers about 1,150 square miles and supports over 700 species of fish and wildlife. The Delta is a

Adaptation Pathways: San Leandro Operational Landscape Unit

San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) | May 15th, 2022


Given the diverse uses and conditions of San Francisco Bay’s 400-mile shoreline, a framework is needed to guide development of adaptation strategies appropriate to loca

Adapting Restoration for a Changing Climate Symposium

Delta Stewardship Council (Delta Council) | November 5th, 2021


Adaptive Management and Science for the Delta Ecosystem

University of California, Davis (UC Davis) | October 1st, 2013


Using science to adaptively guide management for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is widely talked about as good public policy.  Almost every agency, stakeholder, and pl

Addendum to the State Water Project and Central Valley Project Drought Contingency Plan

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | August 31st, 2022


This Addendum includes current hydrologic conditions, plus updates on the following: operations status and the latest SWP and CVP (collectively referred to as Projects) o

Addressing Multiple Stressors and Multiple Goals in the Delta Plan

Delta Stewardship Council (Delta Council) | January 26th, 2011


Advancement of Salinity and Flow Monitoring in the San Francisco Bay Delta, San Francisco Bay Delta Action Plan Implementation Support, FINAL REPORT

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | February 1st, 2017


This report evaluates the cost and utility of adding coupled surface and near-bottom salinity monitors along the axis of the San Francisco Estuary, and the types

Age Determination of the Remaining Peat in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, California, USA

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | October 9th, 2007


The Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta of California was once a 1,400 square kilometer (km2) tidal marsh, which contained a vast layer of peat ranging up to 15 meters (m) thi

Agreement Between the United States of America and the State of California for Coordinated Operating Agreement for the Central Valley Project and the State Water Project

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) | November 24th, 1986


The 1986 agreement between the Bureau of Reclamation and the Department of Water Resources for the coordinated operation of the Central Valley Project and the State Water

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