Pesticides in the Nation’s Streams and Ground Water, 1992–2001

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | February 28th, 2006


This report is one of a series of publications, The Quality of Our Nation’s Waters, that describe major findings of the NAWQA Program on water-quality issues of regiona

Petaluma Valley Groundwater Sustainability Plan

Petaluma Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency | December 8th, 2021


Due to size, this file has been divided Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7

Piru Basin Groundwater Sustainability Plan

Fillmore and Piru Basins Groundwater Sustainability Agency | December 16th, 2021


The Piru Basin (the Basin) is managed (along with the downslope Fillmore Basin) by the Fillmore and Piru Basins Groundwater Sustainability Agency (Agency). The Basin is p

Pixley Irrigation District Groundwater Sustainability Plan

Pixley Irrigation District Groundwater Sustainability Agency (PIDGSA) | January 21st, 2020


Pixley Irrigation District Groundwater Sustainability Plan (Revised)

Pixley Irrigation District Groundwater Sustainability Agency (PIDGSA) | July 27th, 2022


The Tule Subbasin is designated by DWR as a critically overdrafted basin with an estimated subbasin average overdraft of 115,300 acre-feet per year. The Agencies estimat

Pleasant Valley Groundwater Sustainability Plan

Pleasant Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency | February 22nd, 2022


Policy Considerations for Managing Agricultural Nitrogen to Reduce Groundwater Contamination in California

California Roundtable on Agriculture and the Environment (CRAE) | May 28th, 2013


Recent research, including “The California Nitrogen Assessment”1 and the UC Davis Report for the SWRCB SBX2 1 Report to the Legislature2, has produced an important co

Populations using public-supply groundwater in the conterminous U.S. 2010; Identifying the wells, hydrogeologic regions, and hydrogeologic mapping units

Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier) | September 28th, 2021


Most Americans receive their drinking water from publicly supplied sources, a large portion of it from groundwater. Mapping these populations consistently and at a high r

Post-Drought Groundwater Storage Recovery in California's Central Valley

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | October 5th, 2021


California's Central Valley has experienced chronic groundwater depletion over the past few decades, the rate of which was amplified by droughts in 2007–2009 and 2012

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