Investigating the Role of Snow Water Equivalent on Streamflow Predictability during Drought

American Meteorological Society (AMS) | October 20th, 2022


Snowpack provides the majority of predictive information for water supply forecasts (WSFs) in snow-dominated basins across the western United States. Drought conditions t

Legal Aspects of Instream Water Uses in California: Background and Issues

California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) | January 1st, 1978


This paper is part of a series of background and issue papers prepared by the staff of the Governor's Commission to Review California Water Rights Law. TABLE OF CONTEN

Letter to State Water Board re: Flow Criteria that use Percent of Unimpaired Flow

Delta Stewardship Council (Delta Council) | May 22nd, 2012


The proposed use of percent of unimpaired flow is a step toward improving the outlook for fish and other wildlife utilizing the San Joaquin River and its tributaries. Fal

Linking river management to species conservation using dynamic landscape-scale models

River Research and Applications (Wiley) | March 23rd, 2012


Efforts to conserve stream and river biota could benefit from tools that allow managers to evaluate landscape-scale changes in species distributions in response to water

Lower Mill Creek Watershed Conjunctive Use Project: Tehama County, California

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | November 18th, 2008


In 1920, the Tehama County Superior Court of the State of California adjudicated entitlements to all Mill Creek flow below 203 cubic feet per second (cfs). As such, water

Making the Most of Water for the Environment: A Functional Flows Approach for California’s Rivers

Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) | August 25th, 2020


In California, water and land management activities have substantially altered river flows and degraded river channels and their floodplains. The result has been a precip

Managing California’s Freshwater Ecosystems: Lessons from the 2012-16 Drought

Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) | November 16th, 2017


The 2012–16 drought caused unprecedented stress to California’s ecosystems and pushed many native species to the brink of extinction. It also tested the laws, policie

Managing California’s Freshwater Ecosystems: Lessons from the 2012–16 Drought

Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) | November 9th, 2017


The 2012–16 drought caused unprecedented stress to California’s ecosystems and pushed many native species to the brink of extinction. It also tested the laws, policie

Managing California’s Water: From Conflict to Reconciliation

Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) | April 5th, 2011


In this book, we explore solutions for the modern era, when water management must become more balanced and flexible to support both economic prosperity and environmental

Managing diversions in unregulated streams using a modified percent-of-flow approach

Freshwater Biology (Wiley) | August 22nd, 2017


In Mediterranean-type river systems stream flows are naturally low in summer and autumn. This pattern is often exacerbated by over-exploitation of water resources during

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