Environmental Water Account: Need for Legislative Definition and Oversight

Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) | January 29th, 2001


We recommend that the Legislature hold oversight hearings to evaluate CALFED's proposal for the Environmental Water Account, implemented to acquire water for endangered s

Estimates of present and future flood risk in the conterminous United States

Environmental Research Letters (IOP) | February 28th, 2018


Past attempts to estimate rainfall-driven flood risk across the US either have incomplete coverage, coarse resolution or use overly simplified models of the flood

Estimating Monetized Benefits of Groundwater Recharge from Stormwater Retention Practices

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | February 4th, 2016


Stormwater impacts from development have been documented extensively in peer-reviewed literature and summarized in the National Research Council’s report titled Urban S

Estimating the potential economic impacts of climate change on Southern California beaches

Climactic Change (Springer) | November 24th, 2011


Climate change could substantially alter the width of beaches in Southern California. Climate-driven sea level rise will have at least two important impacts on beaches: (

Financial Statement Analysis of CVP Contractors

Delta Vision Blue Ribbon Task Force (Delta Vision) | July 20th, 2008


This report provides an analysis of the condensed financial statements of the 10 largest Central Valley Project (CVP) irrigation contractors in the San Joaquin Valley (Va

Financing Water Supply and Sanitation in a Changing Climate

Pacific Institute | October 22nd, 2020


Human-caused climate change is real and accelerating, creating new challenges for all aspects of freshwater management. Important gaps in our understanding of these chall

Fixing the Delta: How Will We Pay for It?

Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) | August 4th, 2009


This report examines the question of how to pay for urgently needed investments in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta. For years, stakeholders have been at odds over bene

Fourth National Climate Assessment Chapter 25: Southwest

U.S. Global Change Research Program | November 23rd, 2018


The Southwest region encompasses diverse ecosystems, cultures, and economies, reflecting a broad range of climateconditions, including the hottest and driest climate in t

Fundamentals of estimating the net benefits of ecosystem preservation: The case of the Salton Sea

Hydrobiologia (Springer) | July 15th, 2008


This article, both theoretical and methodological in nature, argues the potential merits of using a net benefits’ framework as a tool to aid policy-makers in their eff

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