The unequal burdens of water scarcity

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | January 19th, 2023


Curtailing water use during drought is costly, but those costs are not evenly distributed. Socio–hydrological modelling shows how water burdens fall more heavily on poo

Water Recommendations to the Next President

Pacific Institute | September 14th, 2020


The United States faces several severe and worsening water problems. Continuing to neglect these problems will impoverish and sicken this and future generations,

Water Service Disconnections in California

Pacific Institute | October 1st, 2018


When a household fails to pay their water bill in full for more than a given period of time – one or two months – their water service can be disconnected. In

Water systems in California: Ownership, geography, and affordability

Utilities Policy (Elsevier) | August 10th, 2021


This study asks whether different types of water systems serve different types of communities and differ with respect to affordability. Using 2017 data for California we

Water, environment, and socioeconomic justice in California: A multi-benefit framework

Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier) | November 5th, 2022


Low-income, rural frontline communities of California's Central Valley experience environmental and socioeconomic injustice, water insecurity, extremely poor air quality,

When Decentralization Fails: Governance and Inequity in California’s Drinking Water System

Western Political Science Association | April 4th, 2019


In the United States, there are more than 151,000 drinking water systems which operate at a variety of decision-making scales and under various governance and own

Who makes decisions about California's water?

Restore the Delta | January 9th, 2023


This project collected and created data on California's water managers at the state, local and individual level to determine their race and gender. At the State level, we

Filter Results






Hydrological Region