Effects of water management on the wetlands of the Colorado River Delta, Mexico

Conservation Biology (Society for Conservation Biology) | August 1st, 1996


The lower delta of the Colorado River has been severely affected by the upstream diversion of water for human use. No river water is officially appropriated to support de

Environmental Water Transactions in the Colorado River Basin: A Closer Look

Stanford University | November 14th, 2018


Over the last 30 years, the voluntary transfer of water and water rights for environmental uses has become a recognized strategy for restoring streamflow in the Western

Estuary News, February 2003

San Francisco Estuary Partnership (SFEP) | February 15th, 2003


Fill Mead First: a technical assessment

Utah State University | November 10th, 2019


The Fill Mead First (FMF) plan would establish Lake Mead reservoir as the primary water storage facility of the main-stem Colorado River and would relegate Lake

Finishing the All-American Canal

Scientific American | September 1st, 2020


Work on the All-American Canal is going forward so rapidly that the great 80-mile ditch and its appurtenant features will be ready to de­liver irrigation water to the Im

Fixing the Flawed Colorado River Compact

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | June 16th, 2023


Formation of California's Salton Sea in 1905-07 was not "accidental"

2020 Desert Symposium Field Guide and Proceedings | April 26th, 2020


It is widely thought that the Salton Sea was created accidentally in 1905-07 because of engineering negligence in the diversion of Colorado River water for agricultural u

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