Technical Guidance for Incorporating Climate Change Information into Water Resources Planning Studies

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) | ?


The impacts of climate change are being felt across the Western United States. Warming is affecting water supplies by changing the overall annual volume of precipitation

The 1991 Drought Water Bank

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | January 1st, 1991


This report, produced by the Department of Water Resources, provides a retrospective of the operations of the 1991 Drought Water Bank.

The Ahwahnee Water Principles

Local Government Commission | July 1st, 2006


In 2004,the Local Government Commission set out to identify effective,least-cost economically and politically viable options for sustainable water resources management at

The Application of Ground-Water Flow Models as Predictive Tools—A Review of Two Ground-Water Models of Eastern Honey Lake Valley, California-Nevada

Geological Society of America (GSA) | January 9th, 1992


In the late 1980's Washoe County, Nevada, entered into an agreement with a private water development company to develop and export groundwater from the Nevada portion of

The California water model: Resilience through failure

Hydrological Processes (Wiley) | March 21st, 2019


No earth resource is more abundant than water, but no other resources is more oversubscribed or a source of greater controversy. California, for example, generates an ave

The California Water Plan: Projected Use and Available Water Supplies to 2010

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | December 15th, 1983


The case for strategic and managed climate retreat

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) | August 23rd, 2019


Faced with global warming, rising sea levels, and the climate-related extremes they intensify, the question is no longer whether some communities will retreat

The Collapse of Pelagic Fishes in the Upper San Francisco Estuary: El Colapso de los Peces Pelagicos en La Cabecera Del Estuario San Francisco

American Fisheries Society (AFS) | January 9th, 2007


Although the pelagic fish community of the upper San Francisco Estuary historically has shown substantial variability, a recent collapse has captured the attention of res

The cost of alternative urban water supply and efficiency options in California

Environmental Research Communications (IOP) | May 28th, 2019


Urban communities, farms, businesses, and natural ecosystems depend upon adequate, reliable, and affordable supplies of clean water. As populations and economies

The Cost of Alternative Water Supply and Efficiency Options in California

Pacific Institute | October 13th, 2016


The Cost of Alternative Water Supply and Efficiency Options in California is the first comprehensive analysis to examine the cost of various strategies throughout the sta

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Hydrological Region