Managing An Uncertain Future: Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for California’s Water

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | December 12th, 2008


For California water managers, the future is now. Climate change is already having a profound impact on water resources as evidenced by changes in snowpack, river flows a

Observed and projected changes in snow accumulation and snowline in California’s snowy mountains

Climate Dynamics (Springer) | May 25th, 2023


The Sierra Nevada and Southern Cascades—California’s snowy mountains—are primary freshwater sources and natural reservoirs for the states of California and Nevada.

On the Sources of Water Supply Forecast Error in Western Colorado

American Meteorological Society (AMS) | December 1st, 2023


Preparing for California’s Next Drought—Changes Since 1987-92

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | July 19th, 2000


Preparation of this report was initiated in response to the unusually dry conditions experienced through January 2000. California was in the second year of a La Niña eve

Preparing for New Risks: Addressing Climate Change in California’s Urban Water Management Plans

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | June 20th, 2013


Urban Water Management Plans (UWMPs) are a central component of California’s efforts to assure reliable water supplies, particularly during drought conditions that are

Progressive forest canopy water loss during the 2012–2015 California drought

National Academy of Sciences (NAS) | December 28th, 2015


The 2012–2015 drought has left California with severely reduced snowpack, soil moisture, ground water, and reservoir stocks, but the impact of this estimated mi

Projected increases and shifts in rain-on-snow flood risk over western North America

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | August 6th, 2018


Destructive and costly flooding can occur when warm storm systems deposit substantial rain on extensive snowcover, as observed in February 2017 with the Oroville

Quantifying the role of atmospheric rivers in the interior western United States

Royal Meteorological Society (RMS) | July 13th, 2012


Atmospheric rivers (ARs) have increasingly been recognized for their contribution to high-impact weather and climate variability. A recent investigation based on observat

Recent decreases in snow water storage in western North America

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | May 22nd, 2023


Mountain snowpacks act as natural water towers, storing winter precipitation until summer months when downstream water demand is greatest. We introduce a Snow Storage Ind

Recent warming of landfalling atmospheric rivers along the west coast of the United States

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | May 30th, 2019


Abstract: Atmospheric rivers (ARs) often generate extreme precipitation, with AR temperature strongly influencing hydrologic impacts by altering the timing and magni

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