Integrating Adaptive Management and Ecosystem Services Concepts To Improve Natural Resource Management: Challenges and Opportunities

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | May 7th, 2018


Natural resource managers must make decisions that affect broad-scale ecosystem processes involving large spatial areas, complex biophysical interactions, numerous compet

Interim instream flow criteria for the protection of fishery resources in the Scott River watershed, Siskiyou County

California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) | February 6th, 2017


This document describes the methods and results of an analysis using historical flow data and regional regression relationships to develop interim instream flow criteria

Letter to State Water Board re: Flow Criteria that use Percent of Unimpaired Flow

Delta Stewardship Council (Delta Council) | May 22nd, 2012


The proposed use of percent of unimpaired flow is a step toward improving the outlook for fish and other wildlife utilizing the San Joaquin River and its tributaries. Fal

Lower Mill Creek Watershed Conjunctive Use Project: Tehama County, California

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | November 18th, 2008


In 1920, the Tehama County Superior Court of the State of California adjudicated entitlements to all Mill Creek flow below 203 cubic feet per second (cfs). As such, water

Measuring Cost-Effectiveness of Environmental Water Transactions

Klamath Riverkeeper | August 4th, 2016


The diversion, storage and consumptive use of water in the western United States (US) has drastically altered streamflow, water quality and a raft of ecological, social a

Projected Changes in Precipitation, Temperature, and Drought across California’s Hydrologic Regions in the 21st Century

Climate (MDPI) | April 23rd, 2018


This study investigated potential changes in future precipitation, temperature, and drought across 10 hydrologic regions in California. The latest climate model projectio

Putting Adaptive Management into Practice: Incorporating Quantitative Metrics into Sustainable Groundwater Management

Stanford University | March 4th, 2019


Groundwater is a critical resource in California, serving as a reserve during droughts that are expected to be increasingly frequent and severe as climate change progres

Recovery plan for Central Valley winter-run chinook salmon, spring-run chinook salmon, and steelhead

National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) | July 7th, 2014


Recovery is the process by which listed species and their ecosystems are restored and their future is safeguarded to the point that protections under the Endangered Speci

San Francisco Bay: A Freshwater Starved Estuary

Bay Institute | September 1st, 2016


How Reducing Flows Harms the Ecosystems of San Francisco Bay and Coastal Waters The Bay Institute’s major new study, San Francisco Bay: The Freshwater – Starved Estu

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