Geostatistical Mapping of Salinity Conditioned on Borehole Logs, Montebello OilField, California

National Groundwater Association (NGWA) | December 3rd, 2021


We present a geostatistics-based stochastic salinity estimation framework for the Montebello Oil Field that capitalizes on available total dissolved solids (TDS) data fro

Harnessing California's Waters: The Completion of the First Stage of the Pit River Power Project

Scientific American | April 1st, 1923


California is now the greatest hydro-electric power State in the Union. Over one-fifth of all the electric power generated by American water is produced in Californi

Hydraulic, Geochemical, and Thermal Monitoring of an Aquifer System in the Vicinity of Mammoth Lakes, Mono County, California, 2015–17

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | June 27th, 2019


Since 2014, the U.S. Geological Survey has been working in cooperation with the Bureau of Land Management, Mono County, Ormat Technologies, Inc., and the Mammoth Communit

Hydro-Electric Development in California

Scientific American | August 2nd, 1913


A glance at a map of California similar to that accompanying this article, on which is portrayed the veritable network of long-distance transmission lines that mark th

Hydroeconomic modeling of sustainable groundwater management

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | March 23rd, 2017


In 2014, California passed legislation requiring the sustainable management of critically over-drafted groundwater basins, located primarily in the Central Valley agricu

Hydropower capacity factors trending down in the United States

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | June 27th, 2024


Impacts of California’s Five-Year (2012-2016) Drought on Hydroelectricity Generation

Pacific Institute | April 13th, 2017


The severe hydrological drought afflicting California between 2012 and 2016 has ended, with an extremely wet winter beginning in October 2016. That five-year per

Impacts of California’s Ongoing Drought: Hydroelectricity Generation

Pacific Institute | March 17th, 2015


California’s hottest and driest drought in recorded history is shifting the sources of energy for electricity with adverse economic and environmental consequences. The

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