A Practitioner’s Guide to Instream Flow Transactions in California

American Rivers | March 1st, 2016


The purpose of this guide is to help water right holders –and those assisting them – understand their options for keeping water instream in California. Th

A Review of the Use of Science and Adaptive Management in California's Draft Bay Delta Conservation Plan

National Academy of Sciences (NAS) | January 1st, 2011


The San Francisco Bay Delta Estuary is a large, complex estuarine ecosystem in California. It has been substantially altered by dikes, levees, channelization, pumps,

A Salton Sea Chronology (Prehistory-2015)

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) | January 14th, 2016


A Sustainable Water Plan for California

Environmental Water Caucus | September 9th, 2015


California’s drought is dire, and has focused legislative and public attention on the enormity of the state’s water problems. As noted in earlier Environmental Water

A Synthesis of Aquatic Science for Management of Lakes Mead and Mohave

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | January 29th, 2013


Lakes Mead and Mohave, which are the centerpieces of Lake Mead National Recreation Area, provide many significant benefits that have made the modern development of the So

Achieving State Goals for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) | January 15th, 2015


The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (Delta) is a biodiverse ecosystem that covers about 1,150 square miles and supports over 700 species of fish and wildlife. The Delta is a

Adaptive Management - Applications Guide

U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) | January 1st, 2012


The Department of the Interior (DOI) Adaptive Management Working Group sponsored the development of this applications guide to provide thorough examples for a better unde

Adaptive Management - Technical Guide

U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) | January 1st, 2009


The Department of the Interior (DOI) Adaptive Management Working Group (AMWG) sponsored the development of this technical guide to clearly and consistently define adaptiv

Adaptive Management and Science for the Delta Ecosystem

University of California, Davis (UC Davis) | October 1st, 2013


Using science to adaptively guide management for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is widely talked about as good public policy.  Almost every agency, stakeholder, and pl

Adaptive Management for Ecosystem Restoration: Analysis and Issues for Congress

Congressional Research Service (CRS) | March 4th, 2011


Adaptive management is the process of incorporating new scientific and programmatic information into the implementation of a project or plan to ensure that the goals of t

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