Climatic backdrop for Pueblo cultural development in the southwestern United States

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | May 24th, 2022


While climatic triggers for collapse and population migrations of ancestral Pueblo communities have been proposed, little is known about the overall climatic backdrop for

Colorado River Accounting and Water Use Report: Arizona, California, and Nevada

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) | May 15th, 2024


In accordance with Article V of the Consolidated Decree of the United States Supreme Court in Arizona v. California et al. 547 U.S. 150 (2006) (Consolidated Decree): â

Colorado River Aqueduct Recording Project 1998

National Park Service (NPS) | December 15th, 1988


The Colorado River Aqueduct Recording Project is part of the Historic American Engineering Record (HAER), a long-range program that documents historically-significant eng

Colorado River Aqueduct, Historic American Engineering Record

National Park Service (NPS) | August 1st, 1998


The Colorado River Aqueduct pumps water from the Colorado River through, over, and across mountains and desert in a 242- mile-longmarchtothecoastalplainofSouthernCaliforn

Colorado River Basin August 2022 24-Month Study

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) | August 16th, 2022


Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology State of the Science

University of Colorado, Boulder | April 15th, 2020


The Colorado River Basin currently faces unprecedented stresses. Persistent dry conditions since 2000, along with the increasing recognition that warming temperatures are

Colorado River Basin Environmental Transfers Scorecard

Stanford University | March 16th, 2017


The Colorado River and its tributaries support more than 35 million people and irrigate more than four million acres of farmland. At the same time, the river supports 30

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