Incentive-based Instruments for Freshwater Management

Pacific Institute | December 1st, 2015


This new synthesis report from the Pacific Institute and the Foundation Center provides a review of existing evidence about the use of incentive-based instruments worldwi

Legal Change and Water Market Transaction Costs in Colorado

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | January 29th, 2020


Water markets are commonly described as failing to achieve efficient water management because of transaction cost barriers to trade. In the western United States, two sou

Measuring Cost-Effectiveness of Environmental Water Transactions

Klamath Riverkeeper | August 4th, 2016


The diversion, storage and consumptive use of water in the western United States (US) has drastically altered streamflow, water quality and a raft of ecological, social a

Optimization of environmental water purchases with uncertainty

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | August 5th, 2006


Water managers are turning increasingly to market solutions to meet new environmental demands for water in fully allocated systems. This paper presents a three-stage pr

Recent California Water Transfers: Implications for Water Management

Natural Resources Journal (University of New Mexico) | January 3rd, 1995


The 1991 and 1992 California Drought Emergency Water Banks were the first large water transfer programs in the nation in which the state served as the predominant broke

Recent California Water Transfers: Implications for Water Management

Natural Resources Journal (University of New Mexico) | December 1st, 1995


The 1991 and 1992 California Drought Emergency Water Banks were the first large water transfer programs in the nation in which the State served as the predominant

SGMA’s First Groundwater Market: An Early Case Study from Fox Canyon

Nature Conservancy | May 1st, 2019


In 2014, amid California’s most recent drought, the state passed the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). This new law regulates groundwater at scale for th

Sharing Groundwater: A Robust Framework and Implementation Roadmap for Sustainable Groundwater Management in California

Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability (Duke University) | January 1st, 2017


This working paper offers a framework and roadmap for development of a robust groundwater-sharing system consistent with California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management

Strawberry Case Study: What If Farmers Had to Pay for Water?

New York Times | December 29th, 2023


While American farmers elsewhere have watered their crops by freely pumping the groundwater beneath their land, growers in Pajaro must pay hefty fees for irrigation water

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