California Law at the Intersection of Water Use and Land Planning: A Report for the California Office of Planning and Research

University of California College of the Law, San Francisco (UC Law SF) | May 13th, 2015


There are no laws in California that require coordination between land planners and water regulators. A local planning commission may approve a new subdivision ev

Case Studies of Natural Shoreline Infrastructure in Coastal California: A Component of Identification of Natural Infrastructure Options for Adapting to Sea Level Rise

Nature Conservancy | November 27th, 2017


Sea level rise and erosion are major threats to California’s coast, requiring solutions to preserve the many benefits a healthy coastline provides: flood protec

Changing the course? What's worked, what hasn't and what's next for the SCWP: An assessment of the first three rounds of the Safe Clean Water Program

Los Angeles Waterkeeper (LA Waterkeeper) | February 16th, 2023


In 2018, Los Angeles County voters overwhelmingly approved “Measure W” — a 2.5 cent per square foot parcel tax on impervious surface on all land parcels within the

Climate and land change impacts on future managed wetland habitat: a case study from California’s Central Valley

Landscape Ecology (Springer) | January 7th, 2022


Concept California’s Central Valley provides critical habitat for migratory waterbirds, yet only 10% of naturally occurring wetlands remain. Competition for limited wa

Comparison of potential drinking water source contamination across one hundred U.S. cities

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | December 13th, 2021


Drinking water supplies of cities are exposed to potential contamination arising from land use and other anthropogenic activities in local and distal source watersheds. B

Defining urban resilience: A review

Landscape and Urban Planing (Elsevier) | March 1st, 2016


Fostering resilience in the face of environmental, socioeconomic, and political uncertainty and risk has captured the attention of academics and decision makers across di

Drought impact on cropland use monitored with AVIRIS imagery in Central Valley, California

Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier) | November 19th, 2022


During 2012–2016 California experienced the longest and most severe drought in the last centuries. This water scarcity led to an increase in non-cultivated croplands du

Effects of Urban Development on Stream Ecosystems in Nine Metropolitan Study Areas Across the United States

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | November 13th, 2012


Urban development is an important agent of environmental change in the United States. The urban footprint on the American landscape has expanded during a century and a ha

Equity in Stormwater Investments: Measuring Community Engagement and Disadvantaged Community Benefits for Equitable Impact in the Safe Clean Water Program

Publisher not available | August 4th, 2022


The Safe, Clean Water Program (SCWP) reflects the will of the voters of Los Angeles County, who approved Measure W in 2018 by close to 70%. The ballot measure established

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