Hydroclimatic Extremes as Challenges for the Water Management Community: Lessons from Oroville Dam and Hurricane Harvey

American Meteorological Society (AMS) | December 31st, 2018


Record-breaking extreme storms were a hallmark of 2017 in the United States. An extremely wet winter on the West Coast and brutally damaging hurricane season in

Hydrological Intensification Will Increase the Complexity of Water Resource Management

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | March 9th, 2022


Climate change is intensifying the hydrologic cycle, resulting in an increase in floods and droughts. These changes increase the complexity of water resource management t

Hydrometeorological characteristics of rain-on-snow events associated with atmospheric rivers

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | March 29th, 2016


Atmospheric rivers (ARs) are narrow, elongated, synoptic corridors of enhanced water vapor transport that play an important role in regional weather/hydrology. Rain-on-s

Impacts of Predicted Sea-Level Rise and Extreme Storm Events on the Transportation Infrastructure in the San Francisco Bay Region

California Energy Commission (CEC) | July 31st, 2012


Literature concerning the potential effect of climate change (sea‐level rise inundation and 100‐year storm events) on the San Francisco Bay region’s transportation

Implementing California Flood Legislation into Local Land Use Planning: A Handbook for Local Communities

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | October 1st, 2010


The potential for flooding is a significant risk for many localities in California. Flood events can cause substantial economic, social, and environmental damage. In addi

Incorporating anthropogenic influences into fire probability models: Effects of human activity and climate change on fire activity in California

PLOS | April 28th, 2016


The costly interactions between humans and wildfires throughout California demonstrate the need to understand the relationships between them, especially in the fa

Incorporating Sea Level Change in Civil Works Programs

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) | December 31st, 2013


Increased flood exposure due to climate change and population growth in the United States

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | October 30th, 2021


Precipitation extremes are increasing globally due to anthropogenic climate change. However, there remains uncertainty regarding impacts upon flood occurrence and subseq

Increased Interannual Precipitation Extremes over California under Climate Change

American Meteorological Society (AMS) | August 10th, 2015


Changes to mean and extreme wet season precipitation over California on interannual time scales are analyzed using twenty-first-century precipitation data from 34

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