Optimizing the dammed: Water supply losses and fish habitat gains from dam removal in California

Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier) | April 1st, 2014


Dams provide water supply, flood protection, and hydropower generation benefits, but also harm native species by altering the natural flow regime and degrading aquatic an

Pacific Salmon and Steelhead Trout: Managing Under the Endangered Species Act

Congressional Research Service (CRS) | November 30th, 2012


Along the Pacific Coast, 28 distinct population segments of Pacific salmon and steelhead trout are listed as either endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species

Patterns, drivers, and a predictive model of dam removal cost in the United States

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (Frontiers) | July 24th, 2023


Solar-power replacement as a solution for hydropower foregone in US dam removals

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | August 26th, 2019


There is a growing dam removal movement in the United States, driven in part by environmental, safety and cost considerations. These include electricity-producing hydro-d

Status and trends of dam removal research in the United States

Wires Water (Wiley) | September 6th, 2016


Aging infrastructure coupled with growing interest in river restoration has driven a dramatic increase in the practice of dam removal. With this increase, there has been

The Klamath River’s dams are being removed. Inside the effort to restore a scarred watershed

Los Angeles Times | March 24th, 2024


HORNBROOK, Calif. — Near the California-Oregon border, reservoirs that once submerged valleys have been drained, revealing a stark landscape that had been underwater f

World’s largest dam removal reverses coastal erosion

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | September 27th, 2019


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