Policy Considerations for Managing Agricultural Nitrogen to Reduce Groundwater Contamination in California

California Roundtable on Agriculture and the Environment (CRAE) | May 28th, 2013


Recent research, including “The California Nitrogen Assessment”1 and the UC Davis Report for the SWRCB SBX2 1 Report to the Legislature2, has produced an important co

Projecting groundwater storage changes in California’s Central Valley

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | August 27th, 2018


Accurate and detailed knowledge of California’s groundwater is of paramount importance for statewide water resources planning and management, and to sustain a

Reconciling fish and farms: Methods for managing California rice fields as salmon habitat

PLOS | February 24th, 2021


Rearing habitat for juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in California, the southernmost portion of their range, has drastically declined throughout the pa

Reduction of Nitrates in Groundwater – Agricultural Expert Panel Report

California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) | September 9th, 2014


Recommendations to the State Water Resources Control Board pertaining to the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program The Agricultural Expert Panel (Panel) was convened to a

Reference Guide to On-Farm Groundwater Recharge on Annual Cropland | Recommendations for Creating Waterbird Habitat Benefits

Nature Conservancy | May 1st, 2019


With the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) requiring basins to balance water budgets and manage groundwater sustainably, there is an opportunity to demonstr

Report to the California State Legislature Joint Legislative Budget Committee on Reduction of Agricultural Pollution Runoff into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) | December 1st, 2010


This report has been prepared pursuant to the requirements of the Supplemental Report to the 2008 Budget Act: “On or before March 30, 2009, State Water Resources Con

Review of Research on the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta as an Evolving Place

Delta Stewardship Council (Delta Council) | May 11th, 2017


Research on the social and natural processes that sustain the unique values of the Delta as an evolving place is sparse and sporadic. We found seven research projects and

Running Dry: Weathering the Great California Drought

Harvard University | December 1st, 2016


Essays include: "Physical Mechanisms of the California Drought" - Richard Seager "Droughts and the Global Economy: Lessons from California" - Jay R. Lund

Salinity Effects on Agricultural Irrigation‐related Uses

Central Valley Salinity Alternatives for Long-Term Sustainability (CV-SALTS) | December 1st, 2016


Purpose: Summarize current state of knowledge regarding the effects of elevated EC (TDS) concentrations on crop yields with specific attention to seasonal tolerance

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