Pacific Coast Salmon Fishery Management Plan

Pacific Fishery Management Council | March 1st, 2016


Pacific Salmon and Steelhead Trout: Managing Under the Endangered Species Act

Congressional Research Service (CRS) | November 30th, 2012


Along the Pacific Coast, 28 distinct population segments of Pacific salmon and steelhead trout are listed as either endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species

Patterns in the use of a restored California floodplain by native and alien fishes

University of California, Davis (UC Davis) | July 7th, 2007


Fishes were sampled on the restored floodplain of the Cosumnes River in Central California in order to determine patterns of floodplain use. The floodplain was sampled fo

Phenomenological vs. biophysical models of thermal stress in aquatic eggs

Ecology Letters (Wiley) | January 1st, 2017


Predicting species responses to climate change is a central challenge in ecology. These predictions are often based on lab-derived phenomenological relationships between

Physical Characteristics of the Lower San Joaquin River, California, in Relation to White Sturgeon Spawning Habitat, 2011–14

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | July 18th, 2017


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service confirmed that white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) recently spawned in the lower San Joaquin River, California. Decreases in the S

Physics to Fish: Understanding the Factors that Create and Sustain Native Fish Habitat in the San Francisco Estuary

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | January 16th, 2024


The Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) operates the Central Valley Project (CVP), one of the nation’s largest water projects. Reclamation has an ongoing need to impro

Predation on Fishes in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta: Current Knowledge and Future Directions

University of California, Davis (UC Davis) | July 1st, 2016


The Delta is a diverse, highly modified aquatic system. This paper reviews relevant predator–prey theory, describes data on predator–prey relationships of Delta fishe

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