Recharge Net Metering to Enhance Groundwater Sustainability

University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) | April 2nd, 2018


Groundwater sustainability depends on balancing aquifer inflows and outflows. Extraction (pumping of groundwater, typically for human use) and recharge (inflow of

Recharge Roundtable Call to Action: Key Steps for Replenishing California Groundwater

Groundwater Resources Association of California (GRA) | September 24th, 2018


The age of tacitly treating groundwater as primarily an extractive resource is over, both for California and the rest of the world. This will require vastly more

Reference Guide to On-Farm Groundwater Recharge on Annual Cropland | Recommendations for Creating Waterbird Habitat Benefits

Nature Conservancy | May 1st, 2019


With the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) requiring basins to balance water budgets and manage groundwater sustainably, there is an opportunity to demonstr

Regional land subsidence accompanying groundwater extraction

Hydrogeology Journal (Springer) | August 26th, 2011


The extraction of groundwater can generate land subsidence by causing the compaction of susceptible aquifer systems, typically unconsolidated alluvial or basin-fill aquif

Replenishing Groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley

Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) | April 1st, 2018


The San Joaquin Valley—which has the biggest imbalance between groundwater pumping and replenishment in the state—is ground zero for implementing the 2014 Sustainable

Replenishing Groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley: 2024 Update

Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) | June 6th, 2024


Strategies to replenish groundwater basins—long used in some areas of the San Joaquin Valley—have increasingly come into focus as the region seeks to bring its overd

Report of Waste Discharge and Technical Report

Westlands Water District | July 10th, 2019


This Technical Report is in support of a Report of Waste Discharge (ROWD) for an agricultural aquifer storage and recovery (Ag-ASR) program for Westlands Water District

Resilient Landscape Vision for Upper Penitencia Creek

San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) | January 1st, 2019


This report proposes a new multi-benefit approach to flood management along Upper Penitencia Creek. Recognizing the creek’s complex history, land use, and challenges, t

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